Wonderland in 1st Grade

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Can you Guess My Rule?

In Math we started a new unit called Does it Walk, Crawl, or Swim? We played a game called Guess My Rule. Guess My Rule is a classification game in which the students try to figure out the common characteristic, or attribute, of a set of objects. To play the game, the rule maker(Mrs. Lankford, and students) decides on a mystery rule for classifying a particular group of things.
The rule maker starts the game by giving some examples of people who fit the rule, for example, by having two students who are wearing blue stand up. The guessers then try to find other individuals who fit the rule. With each guess, the student named is added to one group or the other~ does fit or does not fit the rule. Both groups must be clearly visible to the guessers so they can make use of all the evidence~what does and does not fit~as they try to figure out what the rule is. We all had a great time learning!

After playing the game we discussed how we might use the interlocking cubes to build a model that would represent our data. It was a great visual for the students to see.

Mathematicians have different ways of showing the information they collect so they can see it clearly and share it with other people. Sometimes they make pictures or graphs, and sometimes they build models. We call these representations of the data. This is exactly what the students did. Awesome!
This week we will play Guess My Rule with Yektti cards and learn about Venn Diagrams.

In Science we will start our new unit on The Weather. In this unit we will observe and do activities that will expand our awareness of the weather, its features, and its effects on our daily lives.

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