Wonderland in 1st Grade

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Good-bye Butterflies!

Releasing the Butterflies! on PhotoPeach Woo! Hoo! We released our butterflies on Friday in our school garden. It has been an awesome study of the life cycle of the butterflies. Enjoy the slideshow! Have a great spring break!

Sunday, March 10, 2013

The Caterpillars are Here! on PhotoPeach The caterpillars are here! We are in full swing of our study of the Life Cycle of Butterflies. We are ready for the complete metamorphosis, a life cycle consisting of four distinct stages. The first stage is the egg, and the second stage is the caterpillar sometimes called the larva. During this stage the caterpillar lives to eat and will last from 12 to 18 days.
Stage 3 is the chrysalis, also called the pupa. During this stage the animal goes through the most remarkable changes. The chrysalis hangs motionless and encased in a shiny hard covering for about one week. The last stage is the butterfly. We are patiently waiting for the emerging of the butterflies. Stay tuned!