Wonderland in 1st Grade

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Today's Weather Is.....

For the next few weeks our class will be Meteorologists. Meteorologists are scientists who study, observe, and record information about the weather. We will then use that information to forecast the weather. We created a graph that shows our favorite weather. Most of us like the hot weather the best. Ask your child about what we are doing in Science.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Happy New Year 2011!

We wasted no time getting back into the swing of things in 2nd grade. During our Science workshop on Monday we measured and compare the volume of liquids using containers of various shapes and sizes. We watched a small clip on the importance of measuring volume while the measuring cup is sitting on a surface so we don’t tilt the cup and misread the volume. Scientist hard at work and loving it!
Tuesday during our Math workshop we went on a Scavenger Hunt looking for the length of items in our classroom. Today was the beginning of our new unit Measuring Length and Time. Stay tuned while we develop an understanding of linear measurement, estimate and use standard units, including inches and centimeters, to partition and measure lengths of objects.
Did you know today was the 80th day of school! Wow! 100 days away from 3rd grade!