Wonderland in 1st Grade

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Due to the short week there will be no Math or ELA
 homework this week. Please visit our
Classroom Blog and Reflex math for activities.
No school on Wednesday 11/27- Monday 12/2.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Holiday!
Enjoy your family time.

  Holiday Play
The students have been working very hard for our upcoming performance. J
Our class Holiday Play “It’s December in Our Town” will be on Tuesday,
December 10, 2013
Not Wednesday, December 4th. Please change the date on your calendar.
Please have your child wear jeans and a plain white shirt, long or short sleeve to school on Tuesday, Dec. 10, 2013.  We will have a dress rehearsal at 10:00 am in the dining room. If you are concerned that your child will not stay clean please send in a change of clothes. Our evening performance will be at 6:00 pm. Please have your child at school in our classroom wearing jeans and a white shirt by 5:15 pm! 
We will have red scarves for each child to wear.
THANK YOU to all of the parents who have sent in a donation for our costumes and canned goods for our food drive.
We appreciate all your support!

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