Wonderland in 1st Grade

Friday, October 4, 2013

The Tops and Bottoms of Rocks and Soil

The Tops and Bottoms of Rocks and Soil Part 1! on PhotoPeach The Tops and Bottoms of Rocks and Soil Part 2! on PhotoPeach This week in Science we continued learning about rocks and soil. We measured our rocks using rulers and balance beams. We are learning about the different types of soil. Clay soil, loam, and sandy soil. Our study on soil will continue next week. We also had two special visitors this week. Our first was Dr. Zenk. Dr. Zenk gave us great information about gardening. She helped us get started planting spinach outside in our school garden. We also planted broccoli and cabbage in our classroom. When the broccoli and cabbage begin to sprout, with the help of Dr. Zenk we will replant them outside in our school garden. Our vegetables should be ready for harvest right around Thanksgiving. Yummy! Our other special visitor was Mrs. Alvarado, the mother of S. Alvarado, one of the students in our class. Mrs. Alvarado read two great books. How Full Is Your Bucket For Kids is a charming book that explains to children how being kind not only helps others, it helps them, too, and Chicken Cheeks. The students really enjoyed both books. We appreciate Dr. Zenk and Mrs. Alvarado for sharing their time with us! Enjoy the slideshow!


K. Tiurchy said...

Thank you to Dr. Zenk and Mrs. Alvarado! I enjoyed watching this with James so he could explain everything going on during these wonderful activities. Thank you for posting this!

Lourdes said...

You girls ROCK! Thanks for planting seeds of science and character in our students.

Anonymous said...

We enjoy these books too! - Nick and Family