Wonderland in 1st Grade

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Bean Biologists at Work in 2nd Grade

For the past week we have been studying the life cycle of a bean plant. Our first day started with observing several different types of seeds. We discussed what was the same and different about the seeds. Where do we think seeds come from?
We also observed and planted lima beans. Did you know that the lima bean has a seed coat to protect them?

We are discovering that beans do not need soil to grow, but are usually grown in soil. We put two beans in a bag and planted some in soil. Through the bag we are able to see the seed germinate (grow) and sprout to become a seedling. We are learning that plants grow both above the soil and below. Our Bean Biologists are still observing. Ask your child about our beans on the window and in the closet.

1 comment:

Suzanne said...

This was my favorite science unit as a teacher. How cool that the seeds are germinating in the baggie on the window so your kiddos can see exactly what happens. Can't wait to hear more about their learning...