Wonderland in 1st Grade

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Five Senses

Wow! What a great turn out for Open House! We appreciate everyone who attended. We hope you enjoyed yourself and got a glimpse at how your child spends their day in our classroom at Chets Creek.

This week we are working on…
Skills Block: Letter Recognition & Sounds (Star of the Day), Sight Words (I, a, an, can, see, my, the)
Reader’s Workshop: Book Bins (Independent Reading Time), Reading Strategies (Look at the Pictures, Point to the Words)
Writer’s Workshop: Responding to Literature (Favorite Part) &
S-T-R-E-T-C-H the word (sound by sound for writing)
Math Workshop: Calendar Skills, Patterns Writing
Science Workshop: Five Senses, Seasons (Fall)

Important Dates
Wed., Sept. 23rd Early Dismissal @ 1:45 pm
Fri., Sept. 25th Scholastic book orders are due.
Fri., Sept. 25th Flag Raising in the courtyard @ 9:00 am
Sat., Sept. 26th Campus Clean-Up @ 9:00 am
Tues., Sept. 29th PTA Family Night @ 6:00 pm

Our class enjoyed a popcorn party because of you! Yeah! Thank you for supporting our PTA.
Thank you to the families that have provided us with items from our “Wish List!” We appreciate your support. We are still in need of the following items:
Lysol wipes
Post-It notes

The Music Continues!

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