Wonderland in 1st Grade

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Thank You!

Happy Birthday Mrs. Lankford!
Wow! Thank you so much for the beautiful cards and the sweet well wishes! I appreciate all you do!

Apples, Apples, We Love Apples

Apples, Apples, We Love Apples!
THANK YOU to all the families that sent apples! Our activities were a huge hit! We learned about graphing, making applesauce, and the best part was tasting! YUMMY! Please ask your child about apple tasting and making applesauce.

Important Dates
Tues., Sept. 29th PTA Family Night @ 6:00 pm
Fri., Oct. 9th Fall Pictures
Mon., Oct. 12th Book Fair Week
Tues., Oct 13th Family Night Book Fair 6-8pm
Thurs., Oct. 15th Field Trip to Diamond D Ranch

Progress Reports & Conferences
This week your child will bring home a progress report. Please sign and return your child’s Progress Report as soon as possible so that we can begin contacting parents to schedule conferences on an as needed basis this first nine weeks. If we didn’t indicate the need for a conference on your child’s progress report then your child is meeting academic expectations at this time. Please let us know at anytime if you feel you need to schedule a conference with us.

Skills Block: Letter Recognition & Sounds (Star of the Day), Sight Words (I, a, an, can, see, my, the)
Reader’s Workshop: Literacy Centers
Writer’s Workshop: Report and Functional Writing
Math Workshop: Calendar Skills, Patterns, Writing Numbers, Number Recognition
Science Workshop: Five Senses, Seasons (Fall)

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Five Senses

Wow! What a great turn out for Open House! We appreciate everyone who attended. We hope you enjoyed yourself and got a glimpse at how your child spends their day in our classroom at Chets Creek.

This week we are working on…
Skills Block: Letter Recognition & Sounds (Star of the Day), Sight Words (I, a, an, can, see, my, the)
Reader’s Workshop: Book Bins (Independent Reading Time), Reading Strategies (Look at the Pictures, Point to the Words)
Writer’s Workshop: Responding to Literature (Favorite Part) &
S-T-R-E-T-C-H the word (sound by sound for writing)
Math Workshop: Calendar Skills, Patterns Writing
Science Workshop: Five Senses, Seasons (Fall)

Important Dates
Wed., Sept. 23rd Early Dismissal @ 1:45 pm
Fri., Sept. 25th Scholastic book orders are due.
Fri., Sept. 25th Flag Raising in the courtyard @ 9:00 am
Sat., Sept. 26th Campus Clean-Up @ 9:00 am
Tues., Sept. 29th PTA Family Night @ 6:00 pm

Our class enjoyed a popcorn party because of you! Yeah! Thank you for supporting our PTA.
Thank you to the families that have provided us with items from our “Wish List!” We appreciate your support. We are still in need of the following items:
Lysol wipes
Post-It notes

The Music Continues!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

The Music Continues

In Math Workshop we continued to work on Making Patterns. The students used a variety of math manipulatives to construct their own two and three part linear patterns. After using the math manipulatives, the students were able to construct patterns with different color construction paper. They shared their finished patterns with each other. Awesome!
Using our book bins during Reader’s Workshop was also a hit!

We look forward to showing you much more at Open House on Thursday, Sept. 17th @ 6:30 pm in our classroom. Our Volunteer Orientation will be held via the TV at that time. At the conclusion of our classroom presentation please plan to go to the dining room to get an ID badge made if you plan on volunteering at the school, attending field trips, or eating lunch with your child. See you at Open House.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Kindergarten Fun!

Making sweet sounds in Kindergarten!
Every morning begins with our Skills Block. During this time our focus is on the “Star of the Day”. Every “Star” shares valuable information about themselves. It’s a great way for the children to learn about their new friends and the letters/sounds in their names. Each child draws a picture of the “Star” to take home. After Skills Block we move right into Writer’s Workshop. This week we learned about Reading and Writing strategies. Picture walk (look at the pictures), and point to the words. During our Writer’s Workshop we worked on an “I see” book. To help the students with writing we use our pocket chart with family word cards.
In Reader’s Workshop we heard the “Star Book” Caps for Sale. We made monkeys to help with our retelling of the story. Stop by our hall to see our tree filled with monkeys wearing different color caps.
Sharing our homework assignment was great! The students needed to find items at home that begin with the first letter/letter sound of their first name. Wow! We were exposed to several thoughtful items. We ended the week with some dancing. The song titled Let’s Dance: Learning Basic Skills through Music by: Hap Palmer was a great way to end the week!
Can you hear the music?