Wonderland in 1st Grade

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Our First Week of Kindergarten

After you enjoyed your Boo Hoo Breakfast, our day started with a WOW assembly held in the dining room, featuring The KTG Musical Entertainment group. It was awesome and we all totally enjoyed it.
Most of Monday was spent teaching rituals and routines, practicing a Fire Drill, Tornado Drill and touring the school. On Tuesday, we started our day with our Skills Block. During this time all the children practice reading and sounding out each other’s name along with a Letter Name and Sound song. During Reader's Workshop we heard and "read" Nursery Rhymes and other poems.
During our Writer’s Workshop Mrs. Meissner read the story The Night before Kindergarten by Natasha Wing. The students were asked to think about what they did the night before Kindergarten. After turning and talking with each other, the students were asked to go to the tables and draw and write about what they did the night before Kindergarten. The children were also introduced to our “Star Books”, Caps for Sale, The Three Billy Goats Gruff, and Where the Wild Things Are. The children will hear these books several times this month.
After reading these books the children were asked to retell their favorite part with pictures and words. The students shared their work front and center in the “Share Chair”
In Math Workshop the children were able to explore with our manipulatives.
Each child used interlocking cubes to count out the letters in their name. We discussed and created patterns with our colored shapes. Calendar Math was also introduced. We could hardly wait to see what next week will be like. Thank you for entrusting your children to us.


Anonymous said...

It is so nice to know how our children are doing at school. Chessie was so excited to find herself in the slides!

Kanako, Chessie's Mom

Susan T. Phillips said...

Love the slideshows. MAkes me feel as if I was right there. Great for parents to see what your days are like!