Wonderland in 1st Grade

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Parts and Wholes

In Math the students played a game called Cover-Up. To play Cover-Up, one player puts some cubes or counters on a table and counts them. Their counts need to be accurate, so I encouraged the students to check their counts. One player then takes away some of the counters and hides them under a piece of paper. Together the students use the remaining counters to figure out how many are hidden. Solutions are verified by counting the hidden counters.

We played a few rounds as a group hiding a different amount of counters in each round,
then the students played girls against boys. It was a great way to work on Math problems with the missing part. Ask you child about the game Cover-Up.

In Science we finished our unit on the Weather.
In the coming weeks our class will start a new unit centered on The Processes of Life & How Living Things interact with the Environment.

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