Reminders/Important Information:
• Our Wii Field Day for the 2nd Grade team will be on Tuesday, June 2nd from 9:30 – 11:30. Please apply sunscreen BEFORE your child gets to school, and have him/her wear sneakers. We will be wearing our red field day t-shirts.
• At 11:45, lunch will be provided in the pavilion. Hotdogs, chips, cookies, and juice/water will be served. Please have your child bring a bagged lunch if they do not wish to eat what is on the menu.
If you would be able to volunteer for Field Day, we would greatly appreciate it! But please be reminded, siblings are not able to attend due to our school policy. Please email, call, or write a note in your child’s planner if you are able to join us.
• Our last Awards Ceremony will also be on Tuesday, June 2nd @ 2:15 in our classroom.
• Thank you for all your help and support this year. Have a great summer.